Investing in Poultry Grit: A Guide to Keeping Your Fowl Healthy

Raising chickens can be a very fulfilling and cost-effective hobby. Not only do they provide fresh eggs, but they can also be a source of meat. However, keeping fowl healthy should be a top priority for any chicken keeper. This is where poultry grit comes in. 

What Is Poultry Grit?

Whether you're a seasoned chicken farmer or a beginner, you may have heard of poultry grit. Poultry grit is a small, gritty substance that looks similar to sand, but it isn't. It's made of small stones and given to fowl, including chickens, to help them digest their food better. This is especially important for birds that don't have access to stones in their natural environment, such as in a coop. Without access to grit, chickens can't grind their food well, which can lead to many issues. 

Why Invest in Poultry Grit?

Investing in poultry grit is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps your birds to digest their food better. This means that they get more nutrients from their food. This in turn leads lead to better overall health. Additionally, poultry grit can help prevent serious health problems, such as impacted crops, which can be fatal if left untreated. By providing grit, you can provide your birds with the tools they need to stay healthy.

Types of Poultry Grit:

There are different types of poultry grit available on the market. Two of the most common are insoluble grit and soluble grit. Insoluble grit is made of small stones and is not digestible. It stays in the bird's gizzard and helps grind up their food. Soluble grit, on the other hand, is made of sea-shells or limestone and can be digested by the bird. This type of grit releases much-needed minerals into the chicken's bloodstream.

How to Use Poultry Grit:

Using poultry grit is easy. To start, you will need to sprinkle it on the ground or in a dish for your chickens. They will naturally pick at it and eat what they need. The amount of grit that your birds need will depend on their age and size. Chickens that eat a plethora of whole grains or scratch, for example, will need more grit than those that eat commercial chicken feed.

Investing in poultry grit is a small but important step that you can take to help keep your chickens healthy. By providing your birds with the essential tools they need to digest their food correctly, you can prevent serious health problems and ensure that they live long happy lives. 

For more info about poultry grit, contact a local company. 
